Restarting Tables

As we explained when looking at importing products, once you have defined fields in Sales Layer and established associations between fields and columns when importing, the system will remember them for future imports. 

Nevertheless, the situation could arise where you want to restart the account in such a way that no products or configuration data from previous fields are kept.

To do this, first, remove all the products (otherwise you will not see the following option), and then go to Actions> Edit Forms:

Removing items before restarting tables
Remember to remove items before restarting tables
Edit Forms in Products
Edit Forms in Products

And from there Actions > Restart Table.

Restart Table Button
Restart Table Button

Once this is done, when you next go to import data into Sales Layer, it will not remember previous import fields but will start over from scratch.

In order to protect all the fields that are being sent through the connector, keep in mind that every time you try to delete a field related to the connector you will see a warning.

field related to a connectorfield related to a connector