Using Sales Layer


Navitagating Sales Layer

This section focuses on learning how to use the main Sales Layer interface, navigating through the main panel and exploring the available views, including the Excel mode, which allows for efficient and flexible editing of content.

User management and security

We explain how to upload information to the platform, covering the import of products, categories and variants via Excel. This section includes the organisation of content and the construction of a category tree, as well as the association of variants to products.

Importing into Sales Layer

This section explains how to upload information into the platform, covering the import of products, categories and variants via Excel. This section includes the organisation of content and the construction of a category tree, as well as the association of variants to products.

Image and file management

This section details how to import images and files and optimise them by reducing and resizing them to improve performance and presentation on the platform.

Working with your product information

This section describes tools to better organise and manage content, such as product families, customisable forms, languages, tags and bulk actions. Advanced options such as handling locked and unused fields are also covered, along with features such as resetting tables or quickly searching for information.

Field types

The different types of fields you can create in forms are explained, including general fields, custom tables, related items and connectors. It also details how to import data directly into table fields.

Performance and optimisation

This last topic provides recommendations for assessing data quality through reporting and optimising overall performance. Best practices for project management and efficient use of the platform are also included, ensuring effective and organised Sales Layer management.