
The time required for connector setup may vary from one day to three weeks, depending on several factors:

  • The selected Shopify plan
  • The complexity of the e-commerce setup and customization
  • The implementer's experience, both with the e-commerce platform and Sales Layer


Recommendations before Setup


  • If your Shopify store already exists before configuring the channel, it is advisable to create a secure copy or export of all products to preserve the original data.
  • For any installation, it is highly recommended that a test or staging environment be available and that the implementer has access to the production server.
  • Performing initial imports with a small sample of data allows for faster testing.


Product Information Management


  • Once the connector is fully implemented, it is recommended to manage all product information from Sales Layer and avoid doing so directly from Shopify. Changes made in Shopify do not propagate to the Sales Layer catalog, which could cause inconsistencies in product information.
  • The exception is stock updates, which we recommend sending directly to the e-commerce platform.


Limitations of Sales Layer as SaaS


Sales Layer, as a SaaS (Software as a Service), doesn't offer professional services such as consultancy or integrations. Any additional services can be provided through separately signed agreements with one of our Specialized Partners.


Technical Considerations


  • Once the connection between Sales Layer and the e-commerce channel is established, all changes made in Sales Layer will be sent to the e-commerce channel.
  • The plugin connects with e-commerce simply and generically, considering its most vulnerable points and the different personal cases depending on customers. Considering the above point, the generic connection of our plugin uses existing tables by default in Shopify. In case of a customization in these tables -by removing a column or even a table (manually or through some external plugin), the connection with Sales Layer may not be adequate.

Warning: Our API is configured to send all changes made in Sales Layer, even if they are not included within the connector filters. For example, if we set a connector to export only visible items and modify invisible products or drafts, the API will send these items as disabled to the e-commerce.