Supported and unsupported features

The connector’s scope includes catalog integration features, but it has some specific considerations to remember. In particular:


Regarding items


Products, categories, and variants must be managed from Sales Layer.

  • It’s not compatible with doing it from Shopify or plugins, this can cause issues with data consistency.
  • The Category field, used for calculating the fees and improving the SEO in Shopify, is not supported by the connector.


Regarding metafields


  • Metafields are supported only for the type of meta fields specified in this manual. Other types may work, but their correct behavior is not guaranteed.
  • It is impossible to send metafields from multi-language fields from the Sales Layer catalog.
  • List types in metafields that Shopify offers are unsupported.
  • At the moment, this document is being written, Shopify limits the amount of defined metafields in a store to 200. 
  • Read metafield permissions are needed in the Shopify App development configuration.


Regarding related products


Use of related products or excessive amounts of metafields or images may affect synchronization duration (increasing it considerably).


Regarding to variants


Maximum of 100 variants and 3 attributes in a variant.


Regarding Markets


  • The connector does not create markets, update markets, or delete markets. The customer must perform these operations and others, such as activating or deactivating local currencies.
    •  Read about the required market permissions in the Shopify App development configuration.
  • Local/Regional variations of languages are not supported.
  • The connector supports a maximum of 50 markets, which is the limit set by Shopify. Compatibility with external registration systems such as Global-e, which allows the creation of more than 50 markets, is not guaranteed.
  • Shopify supports a set of currencies defined in Pricing in local currencies.
  • Sending multiple currencies for one market is permitted by the connector, but not in Shopify, which has one currency per market defined at this moment. A Shopify error will prevent this.
  • Sending prices in different currencies may require customers to choose a country selector in their stores. The connector does not create or configure the selector.
  • You can only set fixed prices in multi-country markets using the market's base currency. More details on Product pricing by country.
  • When you add or remove products by market, these changes only apply to:
    • The online store
    • Custom storefronts
    • Channels using the inContext directive

Note: The performance decreases proportionally to the number of active markets. Based on the performance in various Market scenarios: 1. when 8 Markets are not activated, timing may experience a decrease of around 40%; and 2. when 8 Markets are activated and a price is settled for each; market, the performance can decrease by about 50%.


Regarding the type of Shopify account


  • Shopify connectors do not offer different features according to the client’s account in Sales Layer, but features may differ depending on the account type in Shopify:
    • Shopify Standard Plan:
      • You can add up to five staff accounts to your store and give them the permissions, that they need to complete tasks like adding products or managing orders. You can also add collaborators for Shopify Partners to work on your store and use permissions to control what sections of your store they can access.
      • The Shopify plan supports your international growth through Shopify Markets, a cross-border management tool that lets you configure specific settings for each international region.
    • Shopify Plus (recommended):
      • The Shopify organization admin lets you manage all the stores in your organization from a single location.
      • Shopify Plus supports unlimited staff accounts to help you grow your personnel without additional costs.
      • Shopify Plus supports additional API calls that allow you to integrate with custom apps.
      • Shopify Plus offers Shopify POS Pro for up to 20 locations in your organization at no additional charge.

                                                  More details at Plan features

Related products


The Sales Layer channel allows you to send related products, but minimizing the amount of these values is recommended to avoid performance problems in synchronization.


Other considerations


  • The multi-currency feature for price fields is unsupported.
  • Payments, Dropshipping, Shipping, Orders, Gift cards, Discounts, Location creation, Orders, Inbox, Analytics, Marketing, Taxes, Finances, and other Shopify features not mentioned in this manual are not supported by the channel.

Note: the connector doesn't offer different features according to the type of client account in Sales Layer.