Correlation of Fields



  • Reference: collection reference, internal field
    • This field is mandatory.
    • In Sales Layer, it is mapped directly with the reference field value.
    • A string format is sent, which can be a mix of numbers and letters.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in the products belonging to it.
  • Title: Title in Shopify
    • This field is mandatory.
    • In Sales Layer, it is mapped directly with the name field value.
    • A string format is sent, which can be a mix of numbers and letters.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in Collections.
  • Body_html: Description
    • In Sales Layer it is mapped directly with the description field value.
    • A multiline string is sent, it can be a mix of numbers and letters.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in Collections within any collection.
  • Image: Collection Image
    • In Sales Layer, it is mapped with the category image field.
    • An array is sent with the status, ID, and the image link.
    • In Shopify, the image can be found in collections with each collection.
  • Sort_order: Sort
    • In Sales Layer, it is mapped with a list-type field containing the possible sort orders, however, only one of these fields will be sent. The possible values are:
      • alpha-asc, alpha-desc, best-selling, created, created-desc, manual, price-asc, price-desc
    • A string is sent.
    • All the products within a collection will be sorted according to the value sent.
  • Handle: URL handle
    • In Sales Layer, it can be mapped with any normal field.
    • A string is sent.
    • The last part of a specific collection URL construction can be found in Search Engine listings within a collection.
  • Template_suffix: Theme template
    • To map with one of the existing values, the themes must be either created or bought from the Online store > Themes.
    • A string is sent.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in the Online Store window within a collection.
  • Published_scope: Published scope, Collection availability
    • In Sales Layer, it is mapped with an availability field, Online Store, or Google
    • A list of values is sent containing one. two or no options.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in the Collection availability within a collection.
  • Collect_alt: Alternative text of Collection Image
    • In Sales Layer, it is mapped with an alternative description for the image.
    • A string is sent.
    • It can be found by clicking on the collection image.
  • Metafields_global_title_tag: Default metafield title to map.
  • Metafields_global_description_tag: Default metafield description to map.




  • Title: Title field
    • This field is mandatory.
    • Mapped along the product name.
    • A string format is sent, which can be a mix of numbers and letters.
    • It can be found at the top of the product’s page.
  • Body_html: Description
    • This field is mandatory.
    • In Sales Layer, it is mapped directly with the description field value.
    • A multiline string is sent, which can be a mix of numbers, letters, and characters.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in Products within any product.
  • Images: Media
    • In Sales Layer, it is mapped with the product image field.
    • An array is sent with the status, ID, and the image link.
    • In Shopify, the image can be found in products with each product.
  • SKU: SKU
    • This field is mandatory.
    • Mapped with the product reference field.
    • A string format is sent, which can be a mix of numbers and letters.
    • If no variants exist, the SKU is shown in the Inventory window within a product.
  • Price: Price field
    • Mapped directly with the product price fields.
    • A number is sent.
    • In Shopify, if no variants exist the price is in the Pricing window within the product.
  • Inventory_quantity: Quantity field, depending on the location
    • It is mapped with the amount or stock field.
    • A number is sent.
    • In Shopify, if no variants exist they can be found in the Inventory window within the product.
  • Inventory_policy: Continue selling when out of stock. 
    • Mapped with the Inventory Policy field specifically created.
    • A string is sent.
    • In Shopify, if no variants exist can be found in the Inventory window within a Product.
  • Vendor: Product organization > Vendor
    • Mapped with the vendor field, should be created on purpose, and could be one of the points of sale.
    • A string is sent, which can be a mix of numbers, letters, and characters.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in the Product organization window within a product.
  • Handle: URL Handle, SEO tab
    • It can be mapped with any field, the usual thing is to choose the product reference.
    • The type of data sent depends on the chosen.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in the Search Engine listing window at the end of the URL within the product.
  • Product_type: Product organization > Type
    • Mapped with the family of the product.
    • A string is sent.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in the Product organization window within the product.
  • Tags: tags field

    • Mapped with the tags fields.
    • A string is sent, which can be a mix of numbers and letters.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in the Product Organization window within a product.
  • Metafileds_global_title_tag: Page title, SEO tab
    • Mapped with the name field.
    • A string is sent.
    • It can be found in the Search Engine Listing window within a product under the title field.
  • Metafields_global_description_tag: Description, SEO tab
    • Mapped with the product description field.
    • A string is sent.
    • It can be found in the Search Engine Listing window within a product under the description field.
  • Cost_per_item: Cost per Item field, near Price
    • Mapped with the specific field indicating the cost of fabrication or similar.
    • A number is sent.
    • In Shopify, if no variants exist it can be found in the Pricing window within a product.
  • Inventory_management: Track quantity checkbox
    • Mapped with the Inventory Management field made specifically.
    • A text is sent.
    • In Shopify, if no variants exist can be found in the Inventory window within a Product.
  • Country_code_of_origin 
    • Configurable attribute, region, or country of origin for customs control.
    • List of possible values at Country Code.
  • Sort_order: variant order, internal field
    • Mapped with the Sort Order previously filled with a specific order, or print the custom order.
    • A string is sent.
    • In Shopify, it can be found within the product’s Variants window or Options window.
  • Product_alt: Alternative text for the product image
    • Mapped with image description text.
    • A string is sent.
    • In Shopify, it can be found visualizing the image.
  • Media_video: Internal videos for the media field
    • Mapped with a file type field containing the video file.
    • An array is sent with the status, ID, and the video link.
    • In Shopify, it can be found along the link in the media window.
  • Media_video_alt: Alternative text for the previous field
    • Mapped with the previous link description text field.
    • A string is sent.
    • In Shopify. it can be found along the video in the media window.
  • Media_external: External videos through URL for the media field
    • Maped with a field containing one or several links to external media, like YouTube.
    • A web link string type of data is sent.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in the Media window within a product.
  • Media_external_alt: Alternative text for the previous field
    • Mapped with the previous link description text field.
    • A string is sent.
    • In Shopify, it can be found along the link in the media window.
  • Media_order: Media order, internal field
    • Mapped with the sort media field.
    • A string is sent like so: "model3d|mediaimage|video|externalvideo".
    • In Shopify, the order of the extra media files will be shown as indicated in this field.
  • Requires_shipping: This is a physical product
    • Mapped with requires shipping field.
    • A boolean is sent.
    • In Shopify, if no variants exist it can be found in the Shipping window within a product.
  • Weight_unit: defines the unit of the previous field
    • Mapped with the weight unit field.
    • A string is sent with a value from among the permitted list.
    • In Shopify, if no variants exist it can be found in the Shipping window within a Product along the weight field.
  • Weight: weight, appears when the previous box is checked
    • Mapped with the weight field.
    • A number is sent.
    • In Shopify, if no variants exist it can be found in the Shipping window within a Product.
  • Taxable
    • A boolean type.
    • Indicates, if a tax is applied to a product (the VAT of this product).
  • Template_suffix: Theme template
    • Map with one of the existing values, the themes must be either created or bought from the Online store > Themes.
    • A string is sent.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in the Online Store window within a product.
  • Compare_at_price: Compare at Price field, near Price
    • Mapped with Compare at price field which is higher than a regular price.
    • A number is sent.
    • In Shopify, if no variants exist it can be found in the Pricing window within a product.
  • Markets: Markets
    • A table type.
    • Enabled markets for the product.
  • Presentment_prices
    • A table type.
    • Currency and market prices for the product.
  • Status: Product status
    • Mapped with the Sales Layer status field.
    • A string is sent V-visible D-draft I-invisible.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in the Product status window within a product.
  • Fulfillment_service: Fulfillment_service
    • Mapped with the field with corresponding location info, previously defined in Shopify.
    • A string is sent.
    • In Shopify, it can be found in the Inventory window.

Note: Please, keep in mind that the Sales Layer connector will allow you to send the Meta-fields, just remember to create the Metafields in the Shopify account before it's sent from Sales Layer. (edited)




  • Title: Title
    • This field is mandatory.
    • Mapped with variant reference in this case.
    • A string is sent.
    • Error 404 not found.
  • Images: Variant image, just one image per variant
    • Mapped with the variant image.
    • An array is sent with the status, ID, and the video link.
    • In Shopify, it can be found within a variant in the Options window.
  • SKU: internal SKU
    • Mapped with variant reference.
    • A string is sent, which can be a mix of characters and numbers.
    • This can be found in the inventory window within a variant.
  • Options
    • This field is mandatory.
    • To create variants in Shopify it is mandatory to send at least one configurable field.
    • If the attribute (option) exists in Shopify, it will be deleted.
    • Examples of options are "color" or "size".
  • Price: Price
    • decimal type
  • Inventory_quantity: inventory per variant.
    • Mapped with the quantity field.
    • A number is sent.
    • This can be found in the variant’s Inventory window.
  • Barcode: variant barcode, Inventory variant section
    • Mapped with the barcode field.
    • A number is sent.
    • This can be found in the variant’s Inventory window.
  • Grams: Weight (if the "This is a physical product" checkbox is true)
    • Mapped with the weight field.
    • A number is sent.
    • This can be found in the variant’s shipping window.
  • Weight_unit: Weight unit dropdown near Weight field.
    • Mapped with the weight units field.
    • A string is sent.
    • This can be found in the variant’s shipping window along with the weight.
  • Requires_shipping: This is a physical product checkbox
    • Mapped with a corresponding field indicating if the product is physical or not.
    • A boolean is sent.
    • This can be found in the shipping window within a variant.
  • Inventory_policy: Continue selling when out of stock checkbox
    • Mapped with a field indicating to send or not out of stock (deny or continue).
    • A string is sent.
    • This can be found in the Inventory window.
  • Inventory_management: Track quantity checkbox
    • Mapped with the corresponding field indicating who tracks the inventory (Shopify or null).
    • A string is sent.
    • This can be found in the Inventory window.
  • Fullfillment_service: Fullfillment_service
    • Mapped with field defining the ff service (manual or the corresponding handle).
    • A string is sent.
    • This can be found in the inventory window Adjustment history.

Note: In order to create variants in Shopify, it is mandatory to send at least one configurable field apart from the previous fields.

Warning: For fields in tables that are not defined in Sales Layer but are standard in Shopify, you can attempt to map them. However, functionality is not guaranteed. 


Inventory Management


  • Fulfillment_service: Fulfillment “manual” or the corresponding handle.
  • Cost_per_item: Configurable attribute. 
  • Country_code_of_origin: Configurable attribute, region, or country of origin for customs control. List of possible values at CountryCode.