Although not really recommended, it is possible to manage stock levels for a product or variant in Magento via Sales Layer.
To do so, begin by filling in the Stock field in the product table and/or the Quantity field in the variant table. Afterward, you will need to deselect the following option “Avoid stock update” in the Product Parameters tab on the Magento connector:

Every product or variant in Sales Layer with stock values greater than 0, will be updated with “in stock” status.
For those with a stock value of 0, synchronization will take into consideration the option selected in the “Manage Stock” field configured in your Magento store:

For more information on this configuration go to:
Warning: If a product has variants, you need to set the stock information in the variants and not in the product. However, sending Stock for the product will not appear in Magento, only in its variants.
Likewise, by deselecting the Avoid Stock Update option, we can match the following parameters:
- Inventory Backorders which can be mapped with the following values:
- No Backorders: send one of the following values: 0, no, or backorder.
- Allow Qty Below 0: send one of the values 1, allow or below.
- Allow Qty Below 0 and Notify Customer: send one of the values to notify the customer.
- Inventory Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart: sending a numeric value.
- Inventory Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart: sending a numeric value.
If you have the Avoid Stock Update option selected, the plugin will never intervene in the stock management fields.