Correlation of Field

For your reference, you will find below all the fields that can be mapped in each table of the Sales Layer connector (Categories, Products, and Variants) and their equivalent field in Magento. The first name corresponds to the name in Sales Layer and the second to Magento. 




Enable category: Enable category button.

Name: Category Name.

Description: Description.

Short description: Short Description (not present since the 2.4.1 version, only available for some versions of Magento).

Image: Category Image.

Meta title: Meta title field in Search Engine Optimization section.

Meta keywords: Meta Keywords field in the Search Engine Optimization section.

Meta description: Meta Description field in the Search Engine Optimization section.

Layout: Layout field in the Design section.

Is Anchor: Anchor button in the Display Settings section.





Name: Product Name.

Image: Images and videos section.

Description: Description field in Content section by default.

Short Description: Short description field in the Content section by default (not present in the 2.4.1 Magento version, only available for some versions of Magento).

Price: Price.

Inventory Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart: Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart in Advanced Inventory section.

Inventory Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart: Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart in Advanced Inventory section.

Stock: Quantity or Qty in Advanced Inventory Section.

Inventory Backwords: Backwords in the Advanced Inventory section.

Attribute Set ID: Attribute Set.

Meta title: Meta title field in Search Engine Optimization by default.

Meta keywords: Meta keywords field in Search Engine Optimization by default.

Meta description: Meta description field in Search Engine Optimization by default.

Length: Length (not present since the 2.4.1 Magento version, only available for some versions of Magento).

Width: Width (not present in the 2.4.1 Magento version, only available for some versions of Magento).

Height: Height (not present in the 2.4.1 Magento version, only available for some versions of Magento).

Weight: Weight.

Status: Enable Product.

Tax class ID: Tax class.

Grouping product reference 1: SKU of the first grouped product (use only when the product is a Grouped Product).

Grouping product quantity 1: Default Quantity of the first grouped product (use only when the product is a Grouped Product).

Related products reference → Related Products field in Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells section.

Up-Sell Products reference: Up-Sell Products field in Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells section.

Cross-Sell Products reference: Cross-Sell Products field in Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells section.

Special price: Special Price in the Advanced Pricing section.

Special price date from: Special Price From in Advanced Pricing section.

Special price date to: Special Price To in Advanced Pricing section.

Visibility: Visibility.

Country of manufacture: Country of Manufacture.





Name: Variant Name.

Price: Price (Global).

Special price: Special Price in the Advanced Pricing section.

Special price date from: Special Price From in Advanced Pricing section.

Special price date to: Special Price To in Advanced Pricing section.

Quantity: Quantity (Global).

Inventory Backwords: Backwords in the Advanced Inventory section.

Inventory Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart: Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart in Advanced Inventory section.

Inventory Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart: Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart in Advanced Inventory section.

Visibility: Visibility.

Tax class ID: Tax Class.

Country of Manufacture: Country of manufacture.