Correlation of fields between Sales Layer and WooCommerce


Categories Field Mapping


  • Category Name → With the Sales Layer category name.
  • Category Description → With the Sales Layer category description.
  • Category Image → Images can handle only one size, among all the ones available in Sales Layer. In case of choosing the original one (ORG), that name must avoid using any strange characters (/\%$, etc.) or it could cause errors when it is being processed (that doesn’t happen in other image sizes as Sales Layer renames these with safe characters). Starting with version 2.3:
    • The existing images will be compared with the new ones and their size, avoiding the use of the md5 for more efficiency in a shorter time.
    • Additional product images will be saved on the server but their clippings will be processed by a parallel CRON of ours so that the main catalog data will be generated faster.
  • Category Order → Optional


Products Field Mapping


  • Product Name → Product name in Sales Layer
  • Product Description → Product description in Sales Layer
  • Product Description Short → Optional
  • Product Image → Images can handle only one size, among all the ones available in Sales Layer. In case of choosing the original one (ORG), that name must avoid using any strange characters (/\%$, etc.) or it could cause errors when it is being processed (that doesn’t happen in other image sizes as Sales Layer renames these with safe characters). Starting with version 2.3:
    • The existing images will be compared with the new ones and their size, avoiding the use of the md5 for more efficiency in a shorter time.
    • Additional product images will be saved on the server but their clippings will be processed by a parallel CRON of ours so that the main catalog data will be generated faster.
  • SKU → Product Reference in Sales Layer
  • Status/Visibility: 
    • If it is 'published', the product will be Published.
    • If it is 'private', the product will be Private.
    • If it is 'draft', the product will be in Draft.
    • If it is 'pending' the product will be Pending.
    • If it is 'trash' the product will be transferred to the Trash.
  • Regular Price → Optional
  • Sales Price → Optional: In the case of sending a product with a discount, it is important to take into account that a normal price should be provided too, or the item should have one price already higher than the reduced price. Otherwise, it won’t be synchronized.
  • Stock → It is possible to manage stock with the WooCommerce plugin. If we decide to do so, we can choose between sending a quantity, the status ´On backorder´, ´Out of Stock´, or ´In Stock´. Whenever the field is sent with any of these words, the status will be updated. In case the stock is not associated (or it is associated with an empty value), no action will be taken regarding the stock, and the Stock Status field will be “Out of Stock”.
  • Manage Stock → Optional
  • Stock Status → Optional: ´On backorder´, ´Out of Stock´ or ´In Stock´
  • Weight → Optional
  • Length → Optional
  • Width → Optional
  • Height → Optional
  • Purchase note → Optional
  • Menu order → Optional
  • Tags → Optional
  • Downloadable → Optional
  • Virtual → Optional
  • Grouping product references → Optional: Can be sent from Sales Layer as an item-related type field, or using a text field that includes the reference of the product to be related. It’s like a related product. In those cases, they will be stored and processed after the variants (in case there are new items to be generated). 
  • Related products reference → Optional: Can be sent from Sales Layer as an item-related type field, or using a text field that includes the reference of the product to be related. Shown in the product preview and not in the product form. In those cases, they will be stored and processed after the variants (in case there are new items to be generated). 
  • Up-Sell Products References → Optional: Same as Grouping product references. It’s a product you may also like.
  • Cross-Sell Product References → Optional: Same as Grouping product references. It’s like a related product.
  • Shipping class → Optional: The Shipping class can be sent by:
    • Using the ID of the Shipping class already created in WooCommerce. 
    • Using its name. In that case, the system will search for it and, if it finds it, it will be assigned to the product or variant.


Variantes Field Mapping


  • SKU → Variant Reference in Sales Layer
  • Description → Product Reference in Sales Layer
  • Image  → Optional: Images can handle only one size, among all the ones available in Sales Layer. In case of choosing the original one (ORG), that name must avoid using any strange characters (/\%$, etc.) or it could cause errors when it is being processed (that doesn’t happen in other image sizes as Sales Layer renames these with safe characters). Starting with version 2.3:
    • The existing images will be compared with the new ones and their size, avoiding the use of the md5 for more efficiency in a shorter time.
    • Additional product images will be saved on the server but their clippings will be processed by a parallel CRON of ours so that the main catalog data will be generated faster.
  • Regular Price → Optional
  • Sales Price → Optional
  • Stock → Optional: If the Manage Stock checkbox is “true” appears the Stock Quantity field in the variant configuration.
  • Manage Stock → Optional: Checkbox.
  • Stock Status → Optional
  • Weight → Optional: If the Virtual checkbox is “false”, the Weight field would be in the variant configuration.
  • Length → Optional: If the Virtual checkbox is “false”, the Weight field would be in the variant configuration.
  • Width → Optional: If the Virtual checkbox is “false”, the Weight field would be in the variant configuration.
  • Height → Optional: If the Virtual checkbox is “false”, the Weight field would be in the variant configuration.
  • Shipping class → Optional
  • Enabled → Optional
  • Downloadable → Optional
  • Virtual → Optional: Checkbox.
  • Shipping class → Optional

Note: The variants of the same product must have the same attributes completed, with different values. So, if for example, we can’t have a variant with only ‘size’ and another one with only ‘color’: both should have size and color, or one of the two attributes.