Categories and products

Categories and products will be imported into the root category which is configured in the connector. When installing the plugin, the system creates the "Sales Layer" category, which will be used to configure the new connectors. However, you can opt to create a new root category and configure it in the connector:


Two attributes will be created inside Categories and products:  Sales Layer Category/Product Identification and Sales Layer Category/Product Company Identification

Warning: These two attributes or their values can’t be modified or deleted, otherwise, the products would be created again during the next synchronization.

The first time a new element is created, there will be a search among the existing items without any other Sales Layer credentials. In the case that there are no results, they will be created.

  • If it’s a category, the search will be done by name. 
  • If it’s a product, the search will be done first by SKU. If no matches can be found, the search will be done by name.
  • Variants will be searched by SKU.

The SKUs are unique, they can’t be repeated. If there are any items with the same SKU, there will be an error message in the log.

To synchronize categories you must send the category name from Sales Layer. Special attention must be paid to this: it will not be possible to have two categories with the same name, if they have the same parent category.

For products, the required fields are the SKU, Price, Name and Categories. If we want to send the url_key field (already existing in Magento) mapping in the connector with a Sales Layer field, keep in mind that this field in the different items cannot be empty.

Tip: It is not necessary to send or map the category ID field from the product because Sales Layer does it internally.