Correlation of Fields



  • Reference: Meta Keywords
    • Mandatory field
  • Active: Displayed
  • Name: Name
    • Mandatory field
  • Description: Description
  • Image: Category cover image
  • Meta title: Meta title
  • Meta description: Meta description
  • Friendly URL: Friendly URL




  • TypeProduct type
    • Map with “virtual”, “simple” or “pack”
  • Name 
    • Mandatory field
  • ReferenceProduct reference
    • Mandatory field
  • EAN-13 barcode
  • UPC barcode 
  • Enabled: Status of the product
  • Visibility 
    • Mao with “both”, “search”, “catalog” or “none”
  • Available for order 
    • Map with “true”, “1”, “yes”, “si”, “false”, “0”, “no”
  • Show Price 
    •  Map with “true”, “1”, “yes”, “si”, “false”, “0”, “no”
  • Available Online Only 
    • Map with “true”, “1”, “yes”, “si”, “false”, “0”, “no”
  • Condition 
    • Map with “new”, “refurbished”, “used”
  • Product_description_short 
  • Description 
  • Retail pricePrice (tax excluded)
  • Tax rule 
  • Retail price with tax: Price (tax included)
  • Wholesale_price 
  • Unit_price_ratio
  • Unity: unity of measure
    • Map with “Kg”, “Ud”, etc.
  • Additional_shipping_cost 
  • Product_discount_XApply a discount of
  • Product_discount_X_type: Discount type
  • Product_discount_X_quantity: Discount quantity
  • Product_discount_X_from: Start date of the discount
  • product_discount_X_to: End date of the discount

Warning: it is possible to map a maximum of 2 discounts per product.

  • Meta title 
  • Meta description 
  • Friendly URL 
  • Default Category: Main Category 
  • AccessoriesRelated products 
  • ManufacturerBrand
  • Package width 
  • Package height 
  • Package depth 
  • Package weight 
  • Additional shipping cost 
  • CarrierAvailable Carriers 
  • Quantity 
  • Minimum quantity 
  • When out of stockBehavior when out of stock 
  • Displayed text when in stock 
  • Displayed text when back-ordering is allowedLabel when out of stock 
  • Image
  • Product_alt 
  • Available date 
    • Map with a date field
  • Creation date
    • Map with a date field
  • Customizable 
  • Pack_product_X  
  • Pack _format_X 
  • Pack_quantity_X 
  • Product_supplier_X 
    • Map with the ID of the supplier
  • Product_supplier_reference_X 
    • Map with the reference of the supplier

Warning: it is possible to map the Default supplier in the Suppliers field in the Options Section, if :default is added to the previous field.

  • File attachmentAttached files
  • Tags 
  • Low_stock_thresholdLow Stock Level
  • Redirect_typeRedirection when offline 
    • Map with the values: 
      • “301-product” for "Permanent redirection to a product"
      • “302-product” for "Temporary redirection to a product"
      • “301-category” for "Permanent redirection to a category"
      • “302-category” for "Temporary redirection to a category"
  • Id_type_redirectTarget item




  • Reference Code 
  • EAN-13 barcode 
  • UPC barcode 
  • Wholesale price 
  • Impact on price tax excl. 
  • Impact on price tax incl.
  • Weight 
  • Impact on unit price 
  • Minimum quantity 
  • Available date 
  • Image 
  • Format_alt 
  • Default 
  • Quantity 
  • Ecotax 
  • Location 
  • Format_supplier_X
  • Format_supplier_reference_X
  • Low_stock_threshold  

Warning: it is mandatory to send at least one configurable attribute apart from the previous fields.