Sales Layer REST API Call Structure

(API Version: 1.18)

All API calls are made via the following subdomain:

To increase security, all calls will be made using a secure SSL connection.


Sending request from the client


When requesting data from, the client must include the necessary parameters so that the query can be executed correctly. These parameters can be included in the URL itself using GET or in the body of the call using POST.


Mandatory identification and security parameters


Code Connector Relationship Code.
Time timestamp() (International UNIX date)
Unique mt_rand() or rand() (Random security number)
Key SHA2 code with the combination of 'code' + 'secret_key' + 'time' + 'unique'

Note: The parameter key should be called key256 when using SHA256.

These three parameters serve to ensure that the client making the API request has the necessary authorization.