General recommendations

The BigCommerce connector contains a list of existing fields by default, which are generally very intuitive to map. However, there are others that need some mapping rules:

  • Do not map unused fields. We recommend not mapping or disabling the unused fields. Otherwise, the connector will overwrite the information in BigCommerce. For example:
    • Let’s suppose that in BigCommerce there is a custom field “Technical Specification” filled by the client in BigCommerce for all the products.
    • Later, this field is created and mapped in Sales Layer inside the section “Output data”. However, the values of this field are not filled. 
    • So, as a result of the synchronization, the values of the field “Technical Specification” will be overwritten. 

Note: Remember that synchronizations are carried out in only one direction. 

  • Use of formulas. Remember that you can use formulas to fill in any field you need to. For more information on formulas, access the following link in our Support Center: Formulas.
  • Regarding Custom fields:
    • Custom fields are supported both in BigCommerce and Sales Layer in products and variants.
    • Custom fields are unsupported in categories either in BigCommerce or this connector. 
    • Custom fields can be sent to BigCommerce by creating additional fields in the tabs “products” and “variants”. The behavior in BigCommerce will be the following:
      • If the Custom field in BigCommerce does not exist, it will be created.
      • If the Custom field in BigCommerce exists, it will be updated.
      • If the Custom field is deleted in Sales Layer, it will be deleted in BigCommerce.
Table example